Spike Spijker

My name is Spike Spijker, I’m 50 years old and living in Amsterdam.
I’m married to Mies Splinter. We’ve been together since high school, we have a 14 year old son and we work together.
I’m Creative Director and owner at Spijker & Splinter, a design Studio for interior design and scenography, and also at Jouez les Enfants, our menswear brand.
And I’m Curator Menswear at Modefabriek, which is a womens- and menswear tradeshow in Amsterdam.

Spike at Pitti (2018) wearing a waistcoat from Anatomica Paris and his heavy black leather motorcycle jacket. The cap is from Laird Hatters, London.
How did you get interested in vintage fashion/classic styles/menswear?
When I was a kid I already discovered the vintage treasures in my father’s and grandfather’s closets. Later as a student at The Art Academy the thrift store was my source for finding vintage treasures.
What first started as a must (because of the lack of money) soon became a love for vintage garments. And it became a bit of an obsession. I remember going to a vintage trade show in Toronto, Canada in 1998, where I bought a beautiful tweed herringbone suit from the 1920’s. One of the nicest jackets I’ve ever owned.
One time in Paris I discovered the shop Anatomica where they remake (in the original fabric) French workwear, from the 1920’s 30’s and 40’s. This shop is still there and a great inspiration, and some of the pieces I bought there I wear frequently.
How would you describe your personal style?
My personal style is a combination of classic menswear mixed with sportswear, army and workwear elements.
What is your favourite vintage garment in your wardrobe?
My favourite vintage garment is my heavy black leather motorcycle jacket, which I bought years ago. I love to wear it when riding my motorcycle, but it is also great to combine it with wide pleated trousers.
What is your ‘go to’ look?
My ‘go to’ look is a (slim fit) jacket, wide trousers and a hat or a cap, I like to wear jackets because in my opinion it ‘makes’ the outfit. And leaving home without a hat is for me almost like leaving home naked. I have been wearing wide trousers all my life, I did try some skinnier models but I always come back to the wider models.
Tell us about Pitti Uomo and Premier Vision. What is your involvement in these?
We have been working for Première Vision since 1999 where we design the scenography of the fabric areas and take care of the fabric styling.
Pitti Uomo for me is the place to see what is going on in men's fashion, and a real social event where I meet my friends from the business and make new plans together.

Spike and his family in 2004.
You are running you own fashion brand with your wife, what is the message behind the brand?
Jouez les Enfants is all about mixing cultures and playing with styles.
We make garments out of leftover fabrics and we alter existing (vintage and deadstock) garments.We mix classic menswear with sportswear, army or workwear elements.
How did you discover SJC?
I discovered SJC online on Instagram.
You selected SJC to be in Modefabriek, what was it about SJC that interested you?
My concept that season was all about the classic Navy blazer. In my opinion this should always be combined with flannel trousers.
I discovered the most beautiful flannel trousers in the SJC collection, so I thought: SJC should be there!
That's All Folks!
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